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Weekly Reflections

Following my year at UCB

Week 1

I felt excited for the first week of my placement year as I had so much enjoyed my previous work experience and training in radio.

New Beginnings

Week 2

This week has been a combination of further induction activities and starting to have some of my own responsibilities. 

Finding My Way

Week 3

This week has been a step up in terms of my responsibilities, meaning that am working on a range of projects.

A Step Up

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Week 4

This week I have been in meetings discussing new projects and job roles which I will be taking on now that I have become established within the company.

Defining My Roles

Week 5

This week has contained a lot of new experiences, and I now really feel I am part of the team and that the work I am doing is contributing to UCB in a positive way.

Part Of The Team

Week 6

This week has been very different from any other so far on my placement, working on projects that I would never have imagined being part of.

Lights, Camera, Action!

Week 7

This week has been a week of working to my strengths, using all of the skills I have developed since I first started and applying them to the tasks I have been given.

In the Swing of Things

Week 8

This week has ended up being shorter than I expected, as I had to take Monday and Tuesday off due to sickness. However, the time off made me realise what a supportive team I am working in.

Importance of being Valued

Week 9

This week has gone insanely quickly, being the week before the big November Appeal and lots of massive upcoming projects this month to prepare for means it is extremely busy. 

Spinning Plates

Week 10

Appeal has been a week like no other! This means that there is no regular scheduling and the majority of my regular jobs have not existed this week.

November Appeal

Week 13

This week has been a bit of a sixes and sevens week, as I went away with TV again to do another Shoot but this time I had more of my own work load to fit in, as I have become a relied upon member of staff.

Balancing Act

Week 16

The last week before Christmas has been slower than expected and in a way harder as my job is very reliant on general broadcast projects, which have now all been wrapped up for the year.

Christmas Time

Week 19

This week has been busy as the Rhema Theatre Group came in for two days to record a Podcast. It was nice to see everything that I organised come together and all run smoothly.

A Showstopper

Week 22

This week has contained a mixture, featuring two normal work days and then a 3 day Prayerline Appeal.  UCB is a charity and therefore uses Appeals to raise money for the company.

Prayerline Appeal


This week has left me feeling a bit all over the place, but has been full of fun and excitement throughout.

Here, There and Everywhere

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This week has been interesting, mostly doing normal routine work which has given me a chance to carefully balance my work load.

Getting Ahead

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This week has been my last week before I go on holiday for Easter, and I am looking forward to having a break after a very busy week.

Holy Week


After the Appeal things have been rather busy, with everyone playing catch up and also with new shows starting.

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Week 11

This week contained a couple of big and exciting projects, which have helped to inspire and open my eyes to the world of Radio and TV.

Getting Stuck In

Week 14

This week featured the start of Christmas celebrations playing out on UCB. This meant that all of the Christmas Traditions audio I had recorded and edited for Simon were going to start being aired daily.

Staff Away Day

Week 17

Happy 2019! This has been my first week back from my Christmas holiday, and returning has taught me some important lessons about the working world.

Welcoming 2019

Week 20

This week has been interesting, containing some very exciting new opportunities, such as speaking on National Radio.

Appearing on Air


After the Prayerline Appeal I spent this week catching up on my normal jobs and tasks, focusing on organising content for Ruth’s show.

Increasing Responsibility


This week has been another busy one, of which I spent a lot of time at our other site in Burslem.


Running Around


This week marked my 7th month working at UCB, which has flown by. I met someone interested in taking over my intern position here at UCB.

Manic Meetings


It has been my first week back at work since my Easter holiday. Coming back after a while away feels a bit strange and it took some time for me to get back into everything.

Catch up and Changes


This week has been a slightly shorter with the Bank Holiday. However, with having a low work load at the moment it has felt like it has been a slow week.

Slow but Steady

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Week 12

This week has been a nice recovery week from the past few hectic ones. I am back to my normal roles  along with some new tasks and challenges.

Continuing to Grow

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Week 15

As it is getting closer to Christmas the office and amount of work and deadlines is starting to reduce and instead we are more focused on preparing for the New Year.

Winding Down

Week 18

This week I started my Presenter Training. This is exciting as this Presenter Training at UCB will be the first formal training I have experienced. I hope this will massively develop my skills. 

Presenter Training

Week 21

This week has been particularly short as I have had 3 days off. Whilst I was away UCB played out some very prominent and important interviews, which I went really well. 

Short but Busy


This week has been more slow, which has given me time to be more creative and spend time coming up with new content ideas.

Creative Freedom

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Compared to the last two weeks of fast paced and mixed work this week has been very relaxed. 

Space to Breathe


This week has been a productive week, getting everything ready to go away for my Easter Holiday.

Company Celebrations


Coming Soon. 

May Appeal

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Expect The Unexpected


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Celebrations and Collaborations


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So Long, Farewell

Week 39

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© 2016 - 2019 Alice Wass

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