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Week 22

Prayerline Appeal

This week has contained a mixture, featuring two normal work days and then a 3 day Prayerline Appeal. As I explained during the November Appeal, UCB is a charity and therefore uses Appeals to raise money for the company. Prayerline is one of the ministries which UCB runs. This is a phone line which anyone can call and can share confidentially any troubles or problems they are having and then someone will pray with them. During Appeals I was with Rebecca, doing shift work so that someone was always here to respond, record and edit testimonies. This means that for 3 days I have been working from 11am to 7pm. As well as recording any testimonies which are being called through from the phone zone, I have also been inputting people into Raisers Edge, one of the databases which UCB uses.

Additionally, I have been balancing my normal job roles, including editing and uploading content onto Soundcloud. Continuing with researching, and booking interviews for Ruth’s show, I am currently working on finding more content for March, as I have to work a month ahead. Some recent changes I have been trying to implement on Ruth’s show are to try and include more current interviews. For example, New York have just created new abortion laws, which is a topical issue and therefore would not suit Ruth’s show, but is nevertheless an important current topic. I have found a Christian Worship artist who has written a song in response to this issue, and so we could interview him about his story of faith and the story behind his song, which links into the new New York abortion laws. This was discovered, researched, organised, and the interview was pre-recorded with in 5 days juggling the time zones. This interview will be edited and played out next week, which needed me to re-arrange the interview schedule. After this success Ruth requested that I try and do more of this in the future. This means that I need to keep each week’s content flexible, in case I find a suitable current story. I am so glad that Ruth is trusting my ideas and is willing for more change within her show. Also, Canon J.John, a very popular Christian speaker whom I know through filming ‘Facing The Canon’ writes regular blogs and often sends them across to us. I have reached out and now succeeded in organising for him to occasionally record himself reading the blogs, so we can play them on air for our listeners, creating more variety in our content. It is so exciting to see Ruth’s show continuing to be shaped and changed with my help and I am excited to see what else will happen over the course of my placement.

I am looking forward to returning to my normal role next week as I love to spend time considering new ideas to develop Ruth’s show. Also, I want to start getting back to planning and organising the Easter Bank Holiday Special with Samuel as it will be the first big radio project I have helped on.


Social Media photo's were taken of all staff to say thank you for listeners donations.


  • Researching and booking interviews 

  • Problem solving when technical difficulties

  • Changing to working Shift work hours mid week

  • Using database, Raisers Edge

  • Using Microsoft Excel 

  • Taking part in a charity appeal for money

  • Working quickly to get information between people, from different teams, and across different buildings to create content quickly

  • Adjusting to different job roles

Prayerline Appeal.png

© 2016 - 2019 Alice Wass

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