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205MAPA - Thinking Media Configurations

Group Work:

We started by splitting ourselves into groups of six, we then had the opportunity to design a media artefact which linked to one of the lectures. My group decided to focus on Remediation. We designed an app called 'Beautable' which created a whole new way for audiences to interact with the online beauty world. We also had to present the app to the rest of the year, for this we even designed our own business cards. To see the app and the links to Remediation go and view our Prezi.

Individual Work:

For the individual coursework we were given the opportunity to create our own essay question based off one of the theory we had learnt during the module. The essay had to be 2,500 words long and have clear links to at least one case study. For my essay I decided to do: 'An exploration into how transmedia storytelling has effected the success of the Lara Croft franchise'. I found the subject extremely interesting and believe that Lara Croft was an strong case study to focus on. 

Reflection on 205MAPA:

Critical Reflection of Module Feedback:

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