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Week 23

Increasing Responsibility

After the Prayerline Appeal I spent this week catching up on my normal jobs and tasks, focusing on organising content for Ruth’s show. I have confirmed guests for next week, and had to re-organise the schedule to fit in additional last minute guests. I have continued to research and book guests to fill the end of March and I am making good progress. There is trust between Ruth and myself, and Ruth often accepts my judgement if I suggest a guest or if I decline a guest who was suggested by someone else. However, any whom I am unsure of, I still check with Ruth, as it is her show. This week I have begun to contact UCB Special Partners about doing interviews on Ruth’s show. This is very important as these are people who give high financial contributions to UCB and therefore need to be addressed carefully including a lot of other people linked into the communications. Ruth has trusted me with this responsibility and so far I feel that I have succeeded with the initial communications. This will test my organisation to another level, as I will be finding an interview date which suits not only the special partner, but Ruth, and also Executives at UCB and possibly the CEO. This week I also began to help Ruth by editing her interviews, to play out live on air, for her 11am slot. This editing needs to be more careful and precise than for Soundcloud as pre-recorded interviews need to be perfect. I have also been using Zetta to upload songs for guests onto Ruth’s hot keys. I have done this a few times this week, it is a skill I use when doing Testimonies for Appeals and have also used when helping Simon pre-record his ‘The Weekend Starts Here Show’. The first time I did this, it was urgent, for a guest currently in studio, so I was nervous about something going wrong and affecting the on air broadcast or that Ruth would not be able to access it. However, all was fine and then the next time I did this for Ruth I was much quicker and everything went smoothly.

I have been helping with the preparation of Samuel’s Bank Holiday Special. He has trusted me to do the research and also to decide important content ideas, such as who it would be worth interviewing. I am very glad that I can test out my ideas with Samuel, and can have space to be as creative as possible.

I have continued editing and uploading lots of content for Soundcloud this week, some with very tight deadlines, which I met. I have also had ILM Training this week, where we have been learning about ‘Managing Yourself’, looking specifically at aims and time management. This session has really inspired me to look more closely at my time management, which I would say was good, but has shown me how to re-evaluate it and improve to make sure that I am achieving my bigger goals.

I am much happier being back to my normal work and glad that the longer I am at UCB the more I am being trusted to take on roles that a Producer would do. I am hoping to continue to develop these skills during the rest of my placement.


  • Researching, organising and booking interviews

  • How to talk to Special Partners

  • Uploading content onto Hot Keys  using Zetta

  • Editing content for live on air content

  • Researching and preparing content for Bank Holiday Special

  • Editing audio on Adobe Audition and uploading to Soundcloud

  • Leadership and Team Work Training

© 2016 - 2019 Alice Wass

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