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Week 31

Holy Week

This week has been my last week before I go on holiday for Easter, and I am looking forward to having a break after a very busy week. I have spent the past couple of weeks pre-planning ahead, as when I am away the show is still running every day and I always come back having to play ‘catch up’.

This week has been a little different to others, the UCB1 show ‘Talking Point’ normally has two full time Producers on the show. However, with one on sick leave and another on holiday it left the show with no Producers. Therefore, I have been doing some small tasks on the show to help out. I have been running multiple daily competitions for the Presenter, Paul, and also I have been greeting his guests who came into studio. I enjoyed helping out for the week especially on such a different fast paced show. However, balancing it with working on Ruth’s show which airs at the same time made my mornings very busy.

I have also been dealing with some last minute requests. One of the Freelance Presenters had a cancellation the two days before her Good Friday show, so she asked if I could find her a new guest as she knew I focused on organising guests. I was in a bit of panic trying to think of possible guests who could talk about Easter, however, I managed to think of a guest who would work well for the content and with whom I had built a good relationship so he was happy to do it. The Presenter was so happy about the guest and was very grateful. I felt proud at my ability to solve problems quickly as this is the sort of issue I would need to fix as a Producer.

I have been recording and editing for audio for ‘The Wall’ feature on Anne’s Sunday Show, I still really enjoy this but I have had a few issues with cancellations this week. When it has been so busy this is a little frustrating but there is nothing I can do so I just get on with it and try my best to reschedule.

I have continued working on Soundcloud, editing and uploading lots of audio for a wide range of people. When I return the UCB Podcast App will be fully up and running and therefore the move away from Soundcloud will have started. I am not quite sure how this will affect my Soundcloud work as of yet, but I am interested to see.

I have made good progress with the interview bookings on Ruth’s show, having lots of future content planned and in place which will help me once I return and need to start booking more content. We are currently working out some GDPR things in relation to the interviewees as I need to develop a plan to help Ruth after I have left with guests and the connections I have made in the past year. It is strange to think that once I return that I will be starting to prepare things for after my departure but my work will continue to go on air after my final three months at UCB.  


  • Helping to produce to live on-air radio shows

  • Running on-air competitions

  • Finding last minute interviews

  • Problem solving

  • Editing and uploading content onto Soundcloud

  • Booking interviews

© 2016 - 2019 Alice Wass

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