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Week 35


This week has been a slightly shorter with the Bank Holiday. However, with having a low work load at the moment it has felt like it has been a slow week as the main task has been research. I have been trying to find and contact guests to book for the end of July, August and September. Booking so far in advance can be difficult as it is hard to find a wide range of relevant stories to share. Also, as I am booking interviews for a different Presenter, Sandra, who is covering the show for three weeks, I am finding it more difficult to select content when I know the Presenter less well. However, I have found content for Sandra before and therefore hope she will like the interviews which I am picking. I am also working with the issue of it being the school summer holidays for 6 weeks, as I need to pick content which is suitable for all ages over that time.

I have also completed a lot of audio editing for Soundcloud this week. One of the interviews was very difficult to edit, due to the way the interviewee was talking. However, with the audio skills I have developed over the year I was able to turn it into an effective and coherent interview.

I have also recorded and edited more audio for The Wall, I really have enjoyed doing this and feel that I am good at making the interviewee feel comfortable and calm before the recording, as often they are quite nervous about it.

This week the Presenters have been doing their air checks with Will Jenkins. The audio for the air checks is chosen at random, and when Simon was having his I was featured in the audio with the section we do on his Saturday lunch time programme. I was informed that Will had believed I was a new Presenter and was surprised to find out I was not. Will complemented my radio voice and said that I came across well and fitted in with the vibe of the show and it came across natural. This was a massive complement coming from a professional, and I felt very pleased that people were enjoying my radio voice. This gives me confidence as in some organisations the Radio Producer will also feature on air with the Presenter, therefore it is good to know that I have a radio voice which would allow me to have the skills to do this.

This week two employees who are sisters, Bithia and Aniva, are leaving UCB. Over the year I had become good friends with them and I will miss them now they will no longer be around. Being invited to their leaving meal has made me realise the deep connections I have made with people whilst here, and I feel sad that it is coming closer to the time when I will be leaving.


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