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Week 13

Balancing Act

This week has been a bit of a sixes and sevens week, as I went away with TV again to do another ‘Facing The Canon’ Shoot but this time I had more of my own work load to fit in, as I have become a relied upon member of staff.

I have been continuing to book more interviews for Ruth’s show for January. This is a mixture of contacting people who have been suggested for us to interview and, spending time researching and looking for other possibilities. This is definitely making me utilise more journalism skills and I am going to have to hunt out my own content. Just relying on being sent leads to follow up I would very quickly run out of content for Ruth to air on the show. On top of the pressure of trying to find interviewees, I am having to be very carefully organised with them making sure Ruth is up to date with who is in when and of any last minute changes. This can be demanding when I am planning up to a month in advance, and we are aiming to have interviews every day of the week.

I have continued to be hosting Ruth’s guests for her shows, however, on Tuesday we were doing a big full day pre-record with a group of guests. Therefore, I organised and attended a lunch with them with Ruth. This was a lot of fun as I got to know more about the guests but the content and day was also being organised in a relaxing manner. I hope that I can attend more work lunch’s and become more involved with the guests as they are so important to Ruth’s show.

I have also started interacting more with listeners on behalf of different presenters. This has been through calling up competition winners, phoning back regarding queries about content, and editing and sending links to listeners who request it.

This week I was involved in another important meeting about a possible podcast recording happening in the New Year. This will be the first big project I am involved in from the very start. In this meeting ideas of content and structure were aired. I still struggle to feel confident enough to throw my ideas into the mix but I know that it is important to learn this skill. I was amazed at how in the meeting one idea transformed into a completely new one and was developed and improved to a state where a podcast could be created. The meeting was high energy and exciting and I hope that the podcast will go into the next phase of development so that I can continue to be involved.  I would like to be floor manager again on the podcast but this time I would like to have a bigger role in the build-up and on the actual day, as I believe I learnt a lot from the previous podcast.

On Tuesday afternoon I went with TV down to London to get ready for the next ‘Facing The Canon’, I did not feel nervous like I did the last time as I knew the team well and had worked with them before. We got up early for the long 14-hour shoot day on set. Set up was slightly different to last time as the room was less prepared than the time before but the equipment was all the same. I remembered quiet a lot of how to set things together but still followed the lead of the other team members assembling the equipment. I enjoyed the day more as I was not as worried as last time, so managed to bond with the other people on set, and when it came to doing the camera tests I felt confident in what I was doing. The shoot itself went really well and I managed to be a big help when taking down the equipment an improvement on the time before. I am excited for the next shoot as I love being on a TV Set, it has an amazing atmosphere and is an environment I enjoy greatly. I would quite like to do some more work with TV in the New Year so may ask if I can help them with any of their tasks enabling me to start gaining a broader understanding of TV as a whole and not just on set work.

I have also finished all of my recording and editing of Simon’s Christmas traditions audio, which Bec’s the drive presenter on UCB1 has also decided to play out, starting next week.


  • Researching and booking interviews

  • Communicating with Presenters about diaries and schedules with guests

  • Hosting guests

  • Production meetings

  •  Working on a TV Set

  • Using professional Cameras

  • Setting up and down a studio

  • Working with other industry professionals 

  • Recording audio from around the world

© 2016 - 2019 Alice Wass

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