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201MAPA - Planning for Professional Experience

Group Work:

We were put into groups depending on which professional media field we were interested in being a part of in the future. I decided to pick broadcasting as it is a broad career area and one I am highly interested in exploring further, especially as I have the long term aim of becoming a media producer. The group was made up of twelve people, which we decided to split up into three main sub-groups: TV, Film and Radio. In these sub-groups we created a Mapping of the professional broadcasting industry. We put all of our research, findings and artefacts onto one website. A link to the site I created is below.  We also have had to find a industry professional to come and speak to the rest of the course. 

Individual Work:

Personal Statment

A short reflection on what this module has allowed me to achieve in terms of professionalism. 


Here is a copy of my CV specifically for broadcasting.

Networking Map

This is a mind map of my current media network, through this I was able to identify industry connection but also see areas where my connections are lacking and where I need to improve. 

Skills Audit

Contains an evaluation of all my strengths and weakness, and identifying how I could improve my weaknesses to increase my transferable skills. 

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Placement Applications and Cover Letters

Contains examples of my cover letters and applications for work experience opportunities. 

Employer Exchanges

Contains a mix of employer discussions about work experience, but also talk I have had with industry professionals about the broadcasting industry and how I can get into it. 

Placement Information

The information about my upcoming placement at Hatikvah Films. 

Evidence of Further Training

Other activities I have completed during my semester to increase my transferable skills, and additional qualifications. 

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Reflection on 201MAPA:

Critical Reflection of Module Feedback:

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