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AD101AD - Adobe Photoshop: Introduction to Visual Communication

Original Summer Haze Poster

My recreation of the Summer Haze poster from scratch

The coursework for this task was to produce a poster to promote either the industry you want to work within the the future or to promote your current degree course. I decided to create a promotional poster for Coventry Universities Media and Communications degree course, this meant I had to conduct research, sketch out poster ideas, and then produce the poster using the knowledge I had learnt during the module. However, what we were actually marked on was the presentation we gave about the production of our posters. The presentation had to be eight minuets long and included: the brief, research, development, technical skills and a evaluation of our posters. My poster went through multiple developmental stage, however I will only put my final poster below.  

Reflection on A101AD:

I have really enjoyed this module, and I am extremely happy that I chose to take it for my Add+vantage. My knowledge and understanding of how to use Adobe Photoshop has grown massively and I now feel confident in a huge range of skills. Looking back from where I started with a limited ability which was all self taught, it is impressive how much I have learnt. I hope to continue this Add+vantage module next year as I would be highly interested in building my Photoshop skills further as it is a softwear that has so many possibilities attached to it. I also hope to be able to start taking more of my own photographs so that I can continue using Photoshop now the module has finished and maybe be able to develop my skills further in my own time. Another reason I enjoyed this module was because it was very different from my actual degree but still linked into it nicely, and I hope to be able to use my Photoshop skills in future coursework tasks for my degree. I also enjoyed the fact the coursework was completely individual as this is not something I have experienced much of so far in my degree. 

Reflection on Feedback for  A101AD:

I was delighted to achieve 82 marks for this module, in which I was learning to use a new Adobe Software. I was told my presentation showed a confident and excellent understanding of what the project required, which demonstrated the amount of knowledge I had learnt over the weeks. My final piece of work and my recreation piece were said to show great skill, and a good understanding of both design principles and Photoshop techniques. It was highlighted that the marker specifically liked the development of my final poster, especially my decision to ask for peer feedback. The marker stated this was an excellent idea as it modified and greatly improved my final design. Having never given a formal presentation before, I am pleased that it went so well, and I am glad that all the hard work I put into designing my poster was appreciated. I am looking forward to taking the next stage of this module next year and hope that I will further improve my Photoshop skills and general understanding of the interface. I hope that in my other modules I can use these new skills to benefit my degree work. 

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