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New Year, New Me?

Every single year I make New Year’s resolutions and every year they normally stop pretty early on. However, it is always worth a try, so this year I have a few more resolutions than normal, in the hope that I might actually manage to achieve one of them.

Number 1, is to regularly update my blog. This is the one I really hope I can keep to as it helps me to reflect upon experiences and even encourages me to do things in the hope of getting a good blog post. I will be aiming to upload a new blog every week, however, something blog worthy might not happen every week (and nobody wants to read something utterly boring), but I will do my best!

Number 2, shared by almost every single person in the world…go to the gym (at least once a week). This is not made due to some hope that I am going to get super fit, but because I have paid for a membership I seldom use and as I walk past the gym every single day, I have no excuse for not going.

Number 3, a resolution I think I am already regretting even more than saying I will go to the gym…that I will become more of a ‘morning person’. Which in my mind is attempting to wake up at 8am from Monday to Saturday (because I really do need at least one lie in a week!). I am not the worst person in the mornings, but I don’t think my current waking up between 9-10am every day is that great, so I aim to start the New Year with a good waking habit in an attempt to be more productive during the day.

Number 4, a resolution that is popular for students, to budget more (the actual aim is to save £150 a month). This is because I am currently saving up for some adventures I have planned in the summer, so this really is a must for me and one that I really hope I can keep too, although it won’t be the easiest to achieve.

Number 5, an easy resolution just in case I fail to keep all the others, to read at least one book a month. Every year I have managed to read more than one book a month (partly as I did English Literature for A-Level), however now with less pressure to read and the temptation of binge watching Netflix instead, I wanted to have this resolution to make sure I read a minimum of one book a month.

Number 6, you may have already seen my blog posts about this one, I am challenging myself to take a photo every single day for the whole of 2017. This is partly due to the fact I enjoy photography but also I hope it will encourage me to start looking at the world and visually processing what I do.

Number 7, since I turned 17 I have been meaning to learn to drive, but to be completely honest I have not been motivated to do this. However, as driving is an important skill, my resolution is to start taking lessons this year (I would say to pass but I really do not want to drive in Coventry and I doubt I will be any good at driving, so I am keeping it realistic).

Lastly number 8, as I discussed last year in my Public Relations Lecture blog post, I realised the importance of becoming certified with other qualifications, therefore I want to choose another media related course this year to help advance my CV in the future and increase my employability.

I am sure you now understand what I mean by having a lot of resolutions in the hopes that I can achieve at least one of them! However, if I fail at maintaining any of these I will try again with new resolutions in September (it is the beginning of the academic year so why not make new resolutions…). I hope you all have a wonderful year, and I wish you luck with your own resolutions for 2017.

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