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For Broadcasting

To download my CV click on the PDF icon

Reflection on the creation of my CV:

I had previously created a CV using a Microsoft Word template which consisted of long sentences and contained lots of detailed information. However, during the first semester of my second year, a member of the Employability Team gave a lecture on how to write CVs. I found this helpful as I discovered that when we are applying to creative industries, we are encouraged to have a creative CV to help us get recognised. This inspired me to utilise my skills in Adobe Photoshop to design a more interesting and relevant CV. I made multiple draft designs before I selected the final one, as seen above. As I wanted my CV to look sleek and professional, I used geometric shapes, my logo and one main colour, to make my CV more visually interesting. The colour I have chosen to use in my CV is peach, because this colour connotes loyalty, dedication, drive and creativity, which I believe match my personal traits as a professional. After I had transferred the information from my previous CV into the new creative layout, I met with Mani, a member of Coventry University’s Media Employability Team, who helped me to focus on redesigning the information, using columns and bullet points. Having more concise information in an easier to read format has made my CV look more professional and more likely to appeal to a future employer. I will continue  to update my CV with relevant experience as appropriate.

© 2016 - 2019 Alice Wass

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